User Profile Screen Help

  1. Your Display Name: This is a required field and please enter your display name such your name or your business name.
  2. Your Contact Number: This is not required to just view the Ads, but if you are planing to Advertise your Ads, then please enter your phone number here. Otherwise it will make it difficult for people to contact you. We do not disclose your phone number to anybody unless you post an Advertisement and it will only be used until the your Ad is live, as soon your Ad is expired nobody can contact you using the App.
  3. Your Location: This is a required field and in order to start using the App you will have to provide this information. Similar to contact number this information will be disclosed to public through your live Ad other than that no other App user can access your location. We need your location so that we can show you the Ads with in your area. One we get the location successfully you can view your location on the map using the “Tap to View Your Location” option on the screen.
  4. Your Profile Image: If you would like you can Add your image such as your business logo or your face image so that people in the area can recognize you.
  5. Please do not forget to press the Save button to save your user profile.


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